One of our favorite snacks at Magic Kingdom is the Mickey Cake Pop! 

Bet you didn’t know that the Mickey Cake pop has a little secret to it.

The first time we tried one a few years ago we were given the choice of chocolate, vanilla or red velvet.   We choose the vanilla cake pop covered in chocolate with white stripes.



Then we bit into the ear…and to our surprise the ear was made entirely of marshmallow! 


Now don’t get us wrong, we love marshmallow!  But we were a little surprised!  No worries though, the marshmallow ears just added to the delicious taste of the Mickey Cake Pop!  In fact when we did bite into the center of the cake pop we thought it tasted more like a soft cookie dough than actual cake. 

In recent years whenever we have bought a Mickey Cake Pop the cast member points out that the ears are made of marshmallow.  Guess a few other people were surprised too! 

So there you have it…the secret to the Mickey Cake Pops…the ears are made of marshmallow! 

Just a little extra magical sweetness in your snack!  

Cheers to Mickey Cake Pops! 

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